martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

My perfect job

My perfect job will be diving, in a paradaise place like Italy, Galapagos Islands, the coral triangle of the pacific, Caribbean islands, etc..
I don´t care is the diving will be in the area of tourist, arqueology, biology, the most important is stay underthe water.
I like this job first because i love the water, the sea and the aquatic animals (octopus, shark, whales, dolphines, crustaceans, etc). Second because it is one of muy more special dreams. Third, because i fell that the sea have a lot of thing to show us and we don´t listen.
The qualities that you need for work like diving are serenity, humble (because you don´t gave a lot of money with this job) and compromise. But the reward is first travel around the world, second have a serene life. Third you don´t live with stress.
I have to tell you that i had never dived in my life, everytime that i tried something happend, is like i had bad lucky¡¡¡¡
I hope very soon can live this experience, for be more specific this summer 

Resultado de imagen para buceo italia
Resultado de imagen para buceo islas galapagos
Resultado de imagen para imagenes de buceo

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